My coffee please

16. Coffee time !


Coffee or not coffee ?

This is not a question for me actually.
I know that some people stop drinking coffee and feel better.I remember a period in my life when I stopped coffee for a while because my level of stress was very high.
But as I am more stable today, I like to be awaked by coffee every morning !

So… coffee !

What you need to know first :
Coffee comes from beans and we have a tendency to forget than it gives us o lot of nutrients !

Coffee has a lot of benefits

Coffee with sugar boosts brain power because it activates the nervous system and the level of focus and concentration.It is recommended to not drink your coffee without food in the morning.Coffee activates blood pressureMakes your immune system stronger
Reduce your premature death because it helps you to digest Coffee contains a lot of antioxydants that allow you body function properly One cup of Coffee can reduce your level of stress But not more than 5 cups a day ! Otherwise it could do the complete opposite !What kind of coffee ?


How to choose your coffee?

Robusta or arabica?

Arabica is the most cultivated coffee in the world. It is cultivated in the mountains.
Arabica has fine, varied and pronounced aromas. It is fragrant, sweet and without bitterness.

Robusta is cultivated in the plains.
It is richer in caffeine than arabica, with a more bitter and full-bodied taste.

Ground or grain?

Quickly available, ground coffee is easier to use. But the coffee beans will be fresher, more fragrant and tastier.

Which coffee machine to choose?

No need to go to the local café to have an espresso at home today.
Espresso machines have become available to the general public for an affordable price.
Machines that work with backs and bags cost between 50 and 200 euros.
Those incorporating a grain mill cost more between 300 and 1500 euros.

Long or Expresso ?

Espresso is a very strong concentrate of coffee.

Cafes around the world

Between culture and art of living, coffee is one of the most widely consumed drinks in the world and has many variations.

  • France : Espresso coffee and croissant
  • Greece

Hot coffee
 “Ellinikos” is the traditional Greek coffee.
 It is made in a small copper saucepan called Briki, in which a special ground coffee is boiled.
 It is not filtered, so it must be allowed to stand so as not to drink the grounds, which usually remain at the bottom of the cup.
 “Sketos”: sugar free “Metrios”: medium, slightly sweet “Varys glykos”: strong and very sweet “Glykos vrastos”: very sweet and boiled
 Iced coffee
 “Espresso fredo” is an espresso served with ice cubes.  In the same way as the hot one, it can be called “double Diplo”, which is a double espresso.

  •  Vietnam: coffee with fresh eggs
  • Morocco: coffee with spices and pepper
  • Canada: coffee with whiskey
  • Mexico: cinnamon coffee
  • Finland: coffee with cheese 
  • Ireland: the famous irish coffee: alcohol coffee
  • Austria: coffee with whipped cream and chocolate

If you want more information and other tips on this topic, you can get my ebook in the shop below

My Vegan Sport Coach “in English

“My vegan sports coach” in French



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