Biking Health benefits

3. Biking Health benefits


1. Improve your health

By cycling every day or on weekends, you will become more active and exercise in a very easy way. and cheap.

Cycling is good cardiovascular exercise and can help you breathe and sweat.

2. Protect the environment

By taking your car instead of your car, you will protect the environment.

There are a lot of bikes that you can use in the big cities.

3. Escape from stress and pressure

Cycling in the woods or in the mountains will give you a real feeling of freedom!

And the advantage is that you can plan a ride according to your needs: as much as you need to get away from it all.

4. Cycling in the woods

I used to cycle in the woods. I like it because it’s the only place you can really breathe. You can find a very special air in the forest and if I could I would live in the forest! The air quality is almost addictive.

It was impossible to find these green places in Malta and Barcelona. And although I need to live by the sea, I know that I also need to live surrounded by green spaces.

5. Traveling by bike

Cycling while traveling? Difficult in fact. You can rent a bike for a day but it’s quite expensive or you can use the city bikes in the most capital city. I haven’t used them but it can be nice to ride a bike sometimes when traveling.

6. How to choose your bike?

Depending on your needs, you can choose a city bike or a mountain bike.

If you want to know more about this topic and want help to overcome your difficulties to achieve your goals.

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