
6. Yoga. Body. Mind and focus

#yoga #stretching #exercices #sport #health


1. What is yoga?

Yoga which means “to unify” is a physical and mental practice that aims to find a balance between body and mind to live in harmony with oneself and others.

Yoga includes a physical aspect with a series of poses that are found in all types of yoga and which aim to train the body, making it more flexible, stronger and more resistant.

And a spiritual aspect that aims to calm the mind with breathing exercises and meditation and sometimes chanting.
It also sometimes involves a particular lifestyle with a diet free of toxic products, the use of natural products and other philosophical practices related to Hindusism, and Buddhism.

Yoga is a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines originating in ancient India.
Yoga is one of the six Orthodox schools of Hindu philosophy. There are a wide variety of schools, practices, and yoga goals in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Wikipedia

  • Yoga is a science
  • Yoga is a practice
  • Yoga is mental meditation
  • Yoga is a breathing technique
  • Yoga is not a religion

Although yoga is not a religion in itself, it is related to religion and historically originated from Hinduism, but also from Jainism and Buddhism. Buddhists and Hindus chant the sacred mantra “Om” during their meditation.

Yoga is a science

Yoga is a practice of bodily movements and poses that allow you to control the body, mind and focus on the mind and breathe.

Yoga is practice

No theory. You have to practice every day if you want to become a yogi.

do not think that yoga is accessible to everyone. You have to feel your body first and I know from experience that this is not possible if you are overweight, sick or not athletic.
So if I was asked for advice, I would recommend changing my diet, losing weight and learning to do the movements in the pool first: backstroke!

2. The different types of yoga

Hatha yoga is the most famous classical yoga.
Its goal is to achieve balance between body, mind and soul through different physical postures.

This traditional yoga has given rise to different variations, such as Vinyasa Yoga, Ashtang Yoga or Bikram Yoga.

The differences between these different types of yoga concern the environment of the class (30 to 40 degrees for hot yoga), the intensity of the practice (which varies from a gymnastics class to a crossfit class), and the speed. execution of movements (from slow to dynamic).

3. The benefits of yoga

The practice of yoga allows:

Controlling your breathing

Yoga is indeed a set of exercises that must be performed on the basis of breathing exercises.

One of the foundations of yoga is having control of your breathing.

Softening her body

With a complete and regular practice the execution and the repetition of exercises and poses will allow to relax his body by stretching his muscles and working his joints.

Muscle building

The execution and the holding of the poses for a few minutes according to the practices make it possible to strengthen the muscles in a lasting way in the same way as the weight training, in particular if the practice is regular.

To sustainably reduce stress

The regular evacuation of the nervous tensions accumulated with each stroke of stress makes it possible not to accumulate negative tensions thanks to the exercises of stretching of the muscles and the joints.

and oxygenate your muscles

4. Where to practice and how to practice yoga ?

Today yoga can be practiced anywhere, at home or in class in a gym or a dedicated yoga room.

The rise of online courses

Yoga professionals have long invested in the internet and social networks, especially Instagram and YouTube.

You will find a multitude of free online courses or paid by subscription in particular.

If you want to get started in a group or do intensive long-term internships in suitable environments, you will find many places offering retreats around the world.

If you want more information and other tips on this topic, you can get my ebook in the shop below

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