
1. We are born to run

#running #borntorun #sport #workout #training #coaching #sportcoaching #outdoorsactivities #runningmotivation #runningcommunity #runningismytherapy #runninglife #runningcoach #runninginspiration #runningworld #runninggoals #runningtips #runningaddict


We are born to run and each beginner or confirmed runner has to understand this assertion before running.


1. Born to run !

Why ?

Because the runner will run by instinct and necessity and not by obligation.
He will be more able to hear his body and avoid injuries, especially if he knows what to eat, which muscles to train, how to start and how to recover.

2. What a runner need to know and why ?

Running is natural and instinctive

All human are born to run. Our anatomy allow us to be endurant runners.

Know your body, food and training

He will be more able to hear his body and avoid injuries, especially if he knows what to eat, which muscles to train, how to start ans how to recover.

Which runner diet ?

It is known by now that vegan diet is the best for everyone.
Vegan runners performances are good.

In any case, runners have to follow an healthy diet and be well hydrated.

3. How to start ?

Run in your daily life :

It’s difficult to start but more easy than you think. First off, you have to remember that you don’t need to prepare a #marathon with special shoes and clothes to begin to run.
You can start in your daily life. When you want to catch the bus or go back to home quickly. On 10…20…30…meters… It’s crazy efficient !

Prepare the routines for the training :

Everyday, twice or once a week, put your shoes and clothes on, take your keys and a bottle of water and just go.

4. Which muscles to train ?

As a beginner you have to know that you will be injured just because we need to have two strongs muscles groups to run : the back and the gluteals. If they are weak, you will run on your knees and lumbars…and quit in few days.

5. How to heal injuries and recover ?

  • Resting and swimming
  • Natural products : baking soda and green clay.
  • Vegan diet : green juices, seeds and herbs


If you are sick and whatever the desease, take your shoes and go for a run. And if you can’t go for a run, go for a walk

If you want more information and other tips on this topic, you can get my ebook in the shop below

My Vegan Sport Coach “in English

“My vegan sports coach” in French


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